
Ahmed Olaniyi Salawudeen -FIIN, FCIB, FCALM, PHD, ACII (LONDON)

Dr. Salawudeen, the President and Chief Executive of Standard Insurance Consultants Limited is a successful Chartered Insurance Practitioner and Real Estate Investment Adviser with track record spanning over 4 decades experience in the Global Insurance Market Place and a Frontline leader in Placement and Management of Various Insurance Risks including but not limited to Oil & Gas, Aviation & Space, Special Risks (Kidnapping & Ransom), Marine Hull Cargo, Protection and Indemnity, Construction/Operational, etc. 

He piloted Standard Insurance Consultants Limited from its inception to become a top Insurance/Reinsurance Brokerage firm for over 40 years counting using his broad Industry experience in Insurance, Reinsurance, Loss Adjusting and Claims Management.

He graduated from the College of Insurance Surbiton Surrey having qualified as a Chartered Insurance Practitioner in the year 1976. He is an Associate Member of the Chartered Insurance Institute of London, a Fellow of Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria and a Fellow of The Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers. An Alumni of Commonwealth University Belize where he bagged Doctor of Management (Specializing in Insurance) and a Fellow of Commonwealth Academy of Leadership and Management.

Dr. Salawudeen, a Melvin Jones Fellow, is a Full Member of the Global Club of Leaders and Honourable Member, European Business Assembly (EBA) under the auspices of The Socrates Committee in Oxford, United Kingdom. He was honoured by the World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB) with the “World Leader Businessperson’ award in 2017, 2018, 2019 and

2020 among other beneficiaries from all over the world. He is happily married with Children.